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Author Guidelines MIRJ..

Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proof read and polished. Before submission please make sure that your paper is prepared using the MIRJ paper template. This will ensure fast processing and publication. Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all authors.
The MIRJ invites contribution in the following categories:

  • Original research
  • Survey/Review articles, providing a comprehensive review on a scientific topic.
  • Fast Communications: Short, self-contained articles on ongoing research.
  • Technical Notes

We accept extended version of papers previously published in conferences and/or journals.

During indexing process the authors' names as given in the final manuscript will be considered.

Manuscript must be submitted at: info@mirj.in

Preparations before Submission:

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Mail Body:

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  • Specialty Type: Please choose one key word from Specialty Type.
  • Article Type: Editorial, Topic Highlights, Observation, Research, Review, Original Articles, Brief Articles, Case Report.
  • Title:Your title may contain as many as 25 words, and can include special characters.

After acceptance, all manuscript must be submitted in prescribed format mentioned in our website. We don't publish until we receive the manuscript in word document formatted as instructed in our website.....


Submission of the manuscript represent that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not considered for publication elsewhere. Authors would be required to sign a CTA form (Copy Right Transfer Agreement) once the manuscript is accepted which would be sent to the corresponding author's email. The corresponding author can download the form and after getting authors and co-authors signature it can be send as an attachment file after scanning to the journal or by post/courier along with the publication charges....MIRJ Copyright Form
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Thesis Invited For Publication!!!

MIRJ offers thesis publication services to give authors a global platform to showcase their valuable work. Whether it is a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation, these are grey literature that is not widely accessible. But, with the help of MIRJ, the research and findings of thesis will have a worldwide visibility and can greatly contribute to their respective fields of creativity.
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MIRJ journal / publication is open access, which means that your thesis is available to anyone in the world to download / read for free directly from the website . Your thesis will be accessible from Google Scholar and Google via Title/ Author name etc.

Send your original work (If you are taking any ref. or topics from other source please don't forget to mention source / ref. / author etc); Our journal / publication is all published online as well as in print media and there are no limits on the number or size of the papers we can publish. So, your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space. If your article / work is published elsewhere then you have to send Permission / Consent or Request letter to us for re-printing / publication. All papers may published in the print edition and, in PDF. All papers and contact details of corresponding authors are included in our press release service, which means that your work is drawn to the attention of all the main media organizations & targeted people group in the world, who may choose to feature the work in newspaper and other media reports. Articles should have adequate Images, Tables, Designs, Methods, Procedures, Conclusions etc. If English is not the first language of authors, they are advised to have their article edited by a native English speaker before submission. A submission that does not comply with our requirements will be unsubmitted. Submissions must be supported by an ethical statement on behalf of all authors. This should be included in the submission covering letter with the corresponding author taking responsibility for having consulted with all the authors. If all or parts of previously published material are used, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned. It is the author's responsibility to obtain these in writing and provide copies to MIRJ . It is a condition of publication that authors grant the 'IJRG' the exclusive license to publish all articles, including abstracts. Papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless the exclusive license to publish has been granted. If you require the return of any material submitted, please inform the MIRJ  office as soon as possible before publication if you have not yet done so.

For Thesis Submission And Publication Charges mail us on: info@mirj.in


MIRJ welcomes all conference conveners & organizing committee to publish their respective conference proceeding in MIRJ and to associate MIRJ as International Publishing Partner,
We will publish conference proceeding with following norms:

  • All conference accepted paper must be original.
  • If conference proceeding is awarded by ISBN then review process will not be repeated.otherwise, all the conference accepted papers will be reviewed by MIRJ Board of Reviewers.
  • Conference proceeding must not be shared with any other publication.
  • Articles must be submitted in proper format as provided... Download Manuscript Template
  • Conference Proceeding may be published in special issue, in accordance with the conference Convener.
  • Convener can use Journal Paper Template in conference after mutual agreement with MIRJ.
  • Conference convener must submit the Form given below to info@mirj.in, after which details of the conference will be displayed in web.
  • MIRJ will promote your Conference/ Workshop in web, MIRJ Social Networks & also will issue Notification to members of MIRJ International Foundation , across the Globe.
  • We will make the reach of your event to the largest number of Educationists, Researchers, Industry, R&D, Academicians and Students worldwide.
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Plagiarism is deliberately using someone else�s language, ideas, or other original material without acknowledging its source and without giving them credit. Copying even one sentence from someone else�s manuscript, or even one of your own that has previously been published, without proper citation is considered plagiarism-use your own words instead.

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  • Date of submission 10th day of the every month
  • Date of Publicaiton      last day of every month

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